Monday, 30 June 2014

Local beer for local people

(Note: this has been edited a bit as I wasn't happy with it - still not really sure it conveys what I'm trying to say but hopefully its closer!)

There's been a bit of discussion recently (on twitter and on Belfast Beer Blogabout the local brewing scene. In one of my early posts I highlighted how I believed the beer scene in NI had come on quite dramatically. Since then we have had the addition of even more local brewers (FarmageddonPokertree, Fulcrum, Sheelin, Cloughmore, etc.) and there even more to come soon (see here and here!). Added to the existing Whitewater, Hilden and McGrath’s it's clear the scene is expanding - though this interesting post from  Belfast Barman(ager) highlights the issue of actually getting people to drink the stuff! 

Though, even given these developments, there's been a bit of discussion about the quality of what’s been brewed locally. In its defence, there only been one beer produced locally that I have sinked (coming soon...), and almost all of the production is superior to the mega-brewers that dominate the pubs and off-licenses. However, to me some (but by no means all) of the discussion on quality has centred around - for want of a better term - how "adventurous"/exciting the beer is. Though I do think there are genuine concerns about how good some of the production is. (However, quality - like flavour - is a bit subjective, what I like, what I think is quality/flavoursome, may be different to your opinion and that makes this a tricky discussion.)   

With this in mind I looked forward to trying two new beers on the local scene - special "geeky" beers from Farmageddon at that:

 The first one I tried was the Cascadian Dark Ale (Style: Black IPA. ABV: 6.7%. FromGrange Wines). Poured deep ruby red / brown with a tan head that reall din't hang about. Aroma of burnt toast, pithy citrus and treacle sweetness. Taste-wise there's some molasses, toasted malt, brown sugar, orange, and grapefruit. Mid to full bodied, oily, and a decent bitter finish. This was really nice, a bit like their India Export Porter and then some. As good as anything I've had locally. Score: 7.5

Next up was Tomahawk S.M.A.S.H. (Style: IPA. ABV: 6.7%. FromGrange Wines). Poured a dark/burnt orange with a fine off-white head. Pithy orange aroma but that gives
way to something chemical. Again the taste starts off pithy and bitter, but if gives way to iodine, TCP, and something very astringent. Mid-bodied and sticky. While the antiseptic quality was rather muted to begin, as the beer warmed up it overwhelmed everything else to the point of being undrinkable. I assume they were aiming for something like North Peak's Diabolical IPA, it didn't work out though. It's fair to point out some people have loved this beer (according to twitter/untapped anyway). Maybe it's just me or maybe there some consistency issues. Score: 2 (mostly for the effort).

So in summary, one of these has probably overtaken Whitewater's HoppleHammer as my favourite local beer, the other was - quite frankly - a mess (if it was meant to taste like that at least). I applaud the effort if not the execution of the SMASH (though conceptually I'm not a huge fan of the single hop same malt base type beers - it kinda works for the likes of brewdog in the IPA is Dead series as an experiment or an educational thing, but frankly I couldn't care less if the beer is brewed with one particular hop or not, I just want it to taste good).

Certainly these beers seem a bit more in the "adventurous" category, but all of the local producers get some sympathy from me on the "not adventurous enough" charge anyway. Let me explain why... I drink a fair bit of beer, I'm the person the local brewers should be be aiming their adventurous beer aimed at, and no doubt I'd drink it. However, it's pretty rare I'd drink the same beer regularly - even the cracking ones and sometimes especially the out there ones - I mean how many "Grand Cru Russian Imperial Stout brewed with Snowberry Honey, Anardana Seeds and finished in Appleton Estate Rum barrels" (courtesy of The Craft Beer Trends Predictor) can you drink...

The beers I do drink regularly tend to be solid, balanced, quaffable, easy, sensibly ABV's, and competitively priced.  Judging my by untapped timeline other people are similar (unless they aren't checking in their regular brews of course). For normal beer drinkers I'd guess this also applies - my non-geeky friend's want refreshing and session-able - they are open to trying something different, but not that different (and they won't pay big dough for something they're not sure they'll enjoy). Therefore, if I was a producer (and I don't even home brew by the way so what do I know) I'd look to build my base market and market share by producing quality beer capable of appealing to a fair chunk of the market before making a beer that may get critical recognition but is actually drunk by a tiny proportion. Then I'd work my way up to something a bit more fun!

Yes, I do think if someone brews a cracking "adventurous" beer it'll sell and sell well - but I'm guessing brewing such a beer ain't as easy as it is typing about one! 

This doesn't excuse the local guys/girls from trying new things and it doesn't excuse poor quality, I don't tend to drink anything produced in NI on a regular basis so I think there is some work to do in upping the general quality and flavour. What's being produced in the south should highlight the way - I'd love an NI version of Amber Ella or Rascals Ginger Porter, or (if we are really lucky) Of Foam and Fury but I don't think anyone is at that level yet (though I have high hopes for Boundary Brewing and Belfast Brewing). Dull beer and bad beer won't grow the scene and no-one is going to pay more money for something no better than the big guys make at 3/4 of the price. The guys/girls locally brewing have the challenge of growing the market (and their market share) at the same time as expanding the local taste buds. I think it'll take time but it is getting there, and if you're a local brewer reading this don't be afraid to test the market every now and then - you might be surprised!  

Right, I've prattled on long enough... I'm off the tick another beer.


Sunday, 22 June 2014

A good heart (is hard to find)

Firstly apologies for the Fergal Sharkey reference in the title, any pretence at being "cool" is now well and truly gone. 

World cup and this weather have meant plenty of beers being drunk but not much commitment to blogging about them... trying to make up for it now (but its still sunny outside, and the football is on, so this might be a tad half-hearted). The last post covered a couple of beers kindly donated to me via Michigan, well one of them was even on the list and is beer number 218 from "1001 Beers...".

 218. Bell's Two Hearted Ale
Style: IPA. ABV: 7% From: A generous friend state-side.
Description: Poured light amber and hazy. Off-white head. Aroma is big on perfume, pine, and floral hops. Taste follows that; lots of perfumey floral hops, piny, but there's not much malt to balance it out. Bitter. Mouth-feel is sticky and resinous. 
Thoughts: The description above reads like something I'd love, but actually it was all hops and not much else. Some malt or something might else might have helped to balance out the flavour a bit. It was grand but not something I'd rush to again. Though if your a real hop head this would probaly be right up your street - I'd guess people who love Jackhammer would also love this.Score: 6

The last beer from this little American selection was North Peak's Diabolical IPA (Style: IPA. ABV: 6.66%). This poured orange with lots of white head. Not much going on aroma wise, floral hops and some citrus but all quite subtle. Flavour is less subtle; again floral hops, astringent and bitter. Mid bodied with a nice resinous mouth-feel. Decent this as a big floral IPA, not as perfumey as the Two Hearted it carried a bit of a better balance - plenty of C  Hops (Columbus comes to mind) I'd guess. Good but not great. Score: 6.5

I haven't reviewed Brewdog's Punk IPA here before (as I first drunk it ages ago) and I won't do a full one now either, but just to say I'm really enjoying the cans of it currently available in various spots across NI (try these places on Belfast Beer Blog for starters) - I'm not sure if it's psychological or not but they seem to taste fresher and more tropical to me... If you see them try them and let me know what you think!

Right back to the footy, sun and beers.


Friday, 13 June 2014

The Trap Door

Probably shows may age, but opening the big cork and cage bottle of La Trappe Dubble just brought me back to my childhood and the cartoon trapdoor... anyway enough of this nostalgic revelry and on with the beer.

216. La Trappe Dubbel
Style: Dubble. ABV: 7% From:
Description: Poured a dark ruby red, maybe even heading towards a mid brown, tan head which went quickly. Aroma is a bit of funky Belgian yeast, earthiness, toffee and candy sugar. Taste is nutty and marzipan (biscuity), something sherbet like, almonds and a dark fruity whack of cherry, plum and dates. Lots of tingly carbonisation.
Thoughts: I rather enjoyed this, more so as I worked through the bottle... There are better out there but worth trying if you can get your hands on it. 
Score: 7.5

217. Porterhouse Oyster Stout
Style: Stout. ABV: 5.2% From:
Description: Black with a light brown head. Aroma of roast malt and coffee. Taste is toast, dark malt, light coffee, mineral, and (though it may be psychological) a slightly salty finish. Creamy mouth feel, lots of tight bubbles. 
Thoughts: Not bad this, decent Irish stout, and the oysters added something this time, preferred it to the flying dog version.
Score: 6.5 

I friend was recently state side and brought me home a couple of unexpected surprises! I had these two during the start of the world cup - neither from "1001 Beers" but still worth drinking...

First up was Dark Horse's Crooked Tree IPA (Style: IPA. ABV: 6% From: A very generous colleague!). Burnt orange in colour and proper cloudy. There was briefly a white head but it didn't last from the kitchen to the living room. Lovely aroma: piny; grapefruit; with a hint of caramel malt. Taste follows that; this a big piny citrus number with caramel to balance it out. Decently bitter but not over done. Resin like finish. This was lovely - reminded me a lot of Anderson Valley Hop Ottin IPA - and that's a compliment. Score: 8 .  

Second was Bell's Oberon Ale (Style: Wheat. ABV: 5.8% From: A very
generous colleague!). Apparently the appearance of this beer means summer has arrived in Michigan & it has a real lawnmower beer quality. Mango, opaque, and again no head. The smell is light; grainy, grassy, reminded me a bit of something like staropramen or kozel. Light orange taste, wheat, and a little spice; I got some pepper too as it warmed up. A fizzy number; light and sinkable. Nice summer beer but nothing outstanding. Paired well with with the cheese and onion mini cheddars I had with it (classy i know...).

Right I'm off to watch the world cup but just to flag a couple of upcoming beer events: the last blog highlighted the Beerclubbelfast/brewbot beer dinner and tour; and Lighthouse Wines have now announced their next beer tasting event on 10 July 2014.


Tuesday, 3 June 2014

A Lawnmower Beer and May Beer Club

Ah during weather like that there's nothing better to do than get some work done in the garden as an excuse for breaking out a cold lawnmower beer, this one is from the list too:

215. Birrificio del Ducato Via Emilia
Style: Zwickle (apparently!). ABV: 5% From:
Description: Poured light amber with a good sized white head, cloudy appearance. Some citrus in the aroma, but a with some bread / crackers in the background - I got a bit of hefe spice too. Pineapple is the first taste to hit my tongue, but again there's some light spice there too, followed up by some grass and a bit of grain. Light bodied, decent fizzy, easy drinking.
Thoughts: This hit the spot on a warm day - not huge flavour-wise but very drinkable. Could have a few of these and I would buy again if more accessible 
Score: 7.

Even better I made it to this months Beer Club Belfast, and what a month to make a return with a meet the brewer evening featuring Marble - there was a good turn out and nice to see a couple of familiar faces too! As geeky as I am, I couldn't bring myself to take my note book with me, so this will be a quick overview...

First up was the Manchester Bitter - pale golden, perfectly clear (despite the fact that Marble doesn't use finings in any of its beers, these bad boys are all vegan friendly), a decent bitterness - probably the most sessionable beer of the night. Bitters aren't really my thing but this a decent example and I know a few friends who would love it.  Second we had Lagonda IPA - this one upped the hops, american stylee. Tasty but drinkable with a nice resinous finish. Third was Ginger 5.1 - a proper ginger beer, with a shitload of real ginger and a touch of chilli. Not my thing but you could see it was well made.

Fourth was Dobber - the biggest marble in the pack indeed (despite some discussion here as to reasons for its naming - though the story told on the night went the recipe from Ginger was "borrowed" from the famous Brendan Dobbin!), lots of NZ hops lend this a real kick and more of the oily, resinous finish. As good an IPA as I've got my hands on from England. Fifth we had Chocolate Marble - there good discussion as to the style of this beer, for me it does touch more on an old ale than anything else, decent chocolate bitterness, and a figgy fruit note. Sixth was Earl Grey - brewed in collaboration Emelisse, this had actual Earl Grey tea in it, which helped bring out the fresh hop citrus. My second favourite beer of the night after the Dobber! Finally the guys let us finish on surprise - an unnamed beer brewed for the 125 anniversary of the bar where it all started for Marble. This was a big number (13 odd percent someone said), lots of barrel in the flavour, but a big chuck of dark fruit too. There was something reminiscence of Bourbon County Stout - but not as complex or as much booze. Nice way to finish.

It was a great night, you could really sense the passion and pride of the folks from Marble, and this translates into their beer. The fact they sent so many people over tells a story in itself. They are hoping to have more of a presence in NI and I wish them well - keep an eye out for their beers soon!

Final tip - Beer club and brewbot are planning a proper beer dinner and a trip round some of he best breweries in Ireland, see here for more details. Don't think I can make it but it looks good!

Right I'm off out to the dirty duck for the pub quiz and a pint of cask! Cheers