Saturday, 5 October 2013

Its been a long week...

It's been one of those weeks were everything has gone wrong, or been more difficult that it really should have been. Really, I could climb into bed and sleep... but that's not an option – so instead lets have a beer!

Beer 179 from “1001 Beers...”
  • Hitachino Nest Beer XH. Style: Belgian Strong Ale. ABV: 8%. Purchased: LightHouse Wines

    Description: Burnt orange in colour, hazy, with a very small white head that managed to leave some lacing. I get lots of zesty orange peel and some spices on the nose, a bit of rummy booziness too. Again I get zesty nectarine in taste, some caramel, a little spice, some tangy sourness, and a little bready mustiness. Mid bodied, a little sticky .
    Thoughts: On the first sip I wasn't sure, but it got better as it heated up. Not very “beery”, but something I would buy again.
    Score: 7.

Beer 97 outside the list
  • Brewdog Fake Lager. Style: Pilsner. ABV: 4.7%. Purchased: Brewdog
    Description: Golden and clear. Good white head. Has that distinct pilsner smell, with some hops going on. A lager but with a nice bitterness. Light, fizzy, and slightly chalky finish.
    Thoughts: A decent pilsner.
    Score: 6.5

Beer 97 outside the list
  • Brewdog Zeigeist. Style: Dark Lager. ABV: 4.9%. Purchased: Brewdog
    Description: Black with a tan head. Chocolate and a little hops on the nose. Chocolate, toasted malt, an some spicy flavours. Mid bodied, some fizz.
    Thoughts: Interesting this, dark beer but some hops added in. Tasty.
    Score: 7

Short update this week, and not feeling too hot so might be a little while before my next update!


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