Friday, 1 November 2013

Refilling the beer box

The beer box was starting to look empty, fortunately a credit card cock-up left me in credit on my flexible friend! Well, I know how to make use of spare money... and fruitful trips to The Vineyard and Lighthouse Wines this week have helped build the collection up again! So, more new beers coming to a blog near you soon... but first a run down of a few recent tastings!
New Beers from the Lighthouse
Beer 183 from “1001 Beers...”
  • Brugse Zot. Style: Belgian Ale. ABV: 6%. Purchased: The Vineyard

    Check out the head on that...
    Description: Light amber and slightly hazy. Might have been my crap pouring but this thing came out with a HUGE white head. I really didn't get too much aroma, some yeast and a bit of spice but nothing too strong. A bit of a tangy taste, some malt, some spice. Really fizzy, light to mid bodied, chalky finish.
    Thoughts: Another that might have been killed by expectations... I found this a wee bit all over the place, nothing very coherent. And nothing worth returning for – one of those beers I'm not sure why it made the list, but we all have different tastes!
    Score: 5.5
Beer 184 from “1001 Beers...”
  • Thornbridge Kipling. Style: Pale Ale. ABV: 5.2%. Purchased: The Vineyard

    Thornbridge Kipling
    Description: Strong hazy yellow appearance, decent white head that lasted well. Lots of tropical fruit smells, pineapple and grapefruit. Lots of tropical hops to taste, but not too sweet or bitter – good balance. Light to mid body – coats your mouth slightly.
    Thoughts: This is a great pale ale, really drinkable, well balanced. Another triumph for Thornbridge – one I'll definitely buy again
    Score: 8

Beer 104 outside the list
  • Gonny no brew that. Style: Golden Ale. ABV: 3.8%. Purchased: The Vineyard

    Gonny no buy that again

    Description: No head, dark yellow, clear. Very hoppy aroma – grapefruit and lemon rind. Again citrus fruit flavours, a little bitterness. Flat, slightly resin like finish.

    Thoughts: Not sure I really got this... too flat for me.
    Score: 5

Beer 105 outside the list
  • Paulaner Oktoberfest. Style: Oktoberfest. ABV: 5.8%. Purchased: The Vineyard

    A late Oktoberfest treat

    Description: Straw colour, clear, with a good white head. No head, dark yellow, clear. A little bland smell-wise, some grain, not much else. Malty sweetness to taste, not real hops. Fizzy but light bodied.

    Thoughts: Pretty middle of the road oktoberfest beer, drinkable but not very exciting.
    Score: 6



  1. Shame you didn't like Gonny No Brew That. I bought a load during Sainsbury's GBBH - plenty of life in it with a lovely, fresh, fruit undertone throughout. I really enjoyed them and still have a few left over.

    1. It might be one I need to try again. It smelt great, but it just didn't taste the way I expected it to. May be trying again with less expectations would help, I have liked the rest of the Williams brothers beers...

  2. I was also disappointed with Brugse Zot. Drank it on tap in Brugge - so it was definitely fresh. But that's all it is - fresh, drinkable, just slightly more interesting than some Beck's or Eku.

    1. Thanks for the read and the comment! If it's not great on tap in Belgium then it' pretty to say its not one worth seeking out!
