Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Beer 194

Early 2014 was quiet, and I took it easy beer wise. But a long weekend made me think it was time to tick another beer from the list...

194. Weihenstehpaner Vitus
Style: Weizen Bock, ABV: 7.7%, Purchased: Gap Wines (at least I think it was...)
Description: Light yellow, hazy, huge white head (big bubbles, wee bubbles, basically a shit load of bubbles). Aroma wasn't that strong, a little clove, some banana, may be a little bubblegum. Again lots of banana flavours, some cloves, a little peppery, and some wheat sweetness. Creamy, light to mid bodied, slightly coating finish. I though it hid the booze quite well, but there was a decent warming sensation that accompanied it.
Conclusions: I'm not convinced that this is a much better beer than the Weihenstephaner Hefe (which is fairness is almost an archetype example of that style). Though it was enjoyable, I could have taken a bit more clove, spice and banana in taste. It was also slightly thin considering the ABV. Having said that I'd buy again.
Score: 7

Having ticked one off the list I thought I'd try a few other beers that had come my way! So next up is beer 125 outside the list and more Wild Beer from the Lighthouse...

Beers not on the list
125. Wild Beer Epic Saison
Style: Saison, ABV: 5%, Purchased: Light House Wines
Description: Poured light golden, hazy, with a good white head. Some of that funky aroma that saison's give off, a little sour, a little farm yardy, but with a definite tropical background. Taste is pure tangerine, with a slightly sour, tart finish. Quite light bodied.
Conclusions: Preferred this to the Ninkasi but may be not as good as Fresh. Very tasty though (and like eating a bag of tangerines...).
Score: 7

125. Wild Beer Modus Operandi
Style: Sour Red/Brown Ale, ABV: 7%, Purchased: Light House Wines
Description: Dark brown with no real head. Aroma is almonds, marzipan, dark/dried fruit, cherries, some cloves and spices. Again marzipan to taste, cherries, quite tart with a woody/oaky finish. Slightly sticky, with more fizz than I expected.
Conclusions: Now this was good - maybe not up there with the Rodenbach but very tasty.
Score: 8

Just finishing on a reminder that Beer Club Belfast is on again this Thursday (16th January 2014) in the Hudson. I believe its going to be a mixture of Weird Beer and the Kernel - cerytainly beers worth getting along a trying... £10 in for 6 tastes of great beer - good value for money if you ask me. Not sure I can make this month but let me know how it goes in the comments if I'm not attached to the bar...


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